Take Away’s From Kobe Bryant

Joseph Callahan
3 min readJan 28, 2020


I was never much of a basketball fan, therefore I didn’t get to see Kobe play that much. Up until recently I never really watched NBA at all. But simply by not living under a rock, I am aware of Kobe Bryant‘s greatness. Matched with a likeness of Michael Jordan, Tracy McGrady, and Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant‘s name will forever live with the greats of basketball. With his recent death, I feel like there are a few things that even a normal person can live their life by and sit values around. Kobe Bryant did not simply live his life to play basketball alone. We’ve heard from multiple sources that Kobe Bryant was just beginning in his greatness. The values that he put into basketball, he was also putting into life. Values such as being relentless in your pursuit of what you want, growing and getting better every day, and genuinely loving people and caring for people are truly the things that made Kobe great.

We all want something. We all want that pay raise, a better job, a better significant other, a better fill in the blank. Kobe was in the pursuit of greatness. Greatness is a basketball player, and also as a human. I would say by the news coverage after his death, he reached the pinnacle. But what made him different than the average NBA player? He was relentless. I think his reason for being relentless was due to the fact of his overwhelming and abundance of love for the game. My view is, The ability to be relentless in the pursuit of what we love is in direct correlation with how much we love it/want it. I will not relentlessly pursue my wife, if I do not truly and genuinely love her. I will not relentlessly pursue my career, if I do not genuinely love it. Whatever you want, whatever you’re reaching towards, do you love it? Do you genuinely honestly love what you were relentlessly pursuing? If not I don’t think that you will be able to pursue it with the same passion that we saw in Kobe.

Simply put, if we are not growing every day, we are dying. There’s no other option. We are either getting better in life, even if it’s just a little bit every day, or we are dying. I believe Kobe accentuated this topic. There are countless stories on Kobe at practice, & before games Where he did not quit until he felt he had put enough work to get better for the day. What are the areas in your life where you want to get better is it your health? Your relationships? Your work? I highly advise getting the book the slight edge, and learning the process of making small adjustments to get better every single day, to make big improvements over time.

Photo by Darren DeLoach on Unsplash

No one so far has had anything bad to say about Kobe. From my perspective everyone that he came in to contact with had an immaculately positive experience with him. Tons of pictures of Colby smiling laughing and sharing with his friends and family or what he will be remembered by. I believe that comes from a great love of people. Caring for, and loving people are so underrated and this culture. The culture tells you to argue, and never be wrong. But when we swallow our pride and practice humility we can make a huge impact in peoples lives.

Ultimately we can take passion from Kobe Bryant‘s life. Passion and his pursuit of greatness. He had passion and his pursuit of the love for his relationships. He had passion for his family, teammates, and everyone he came in contact with. So yes we mourn, yes we pay homage to a great athlete, and great person. Let’s also not forget to take away and learn something from this great man.



Joseph Callahan
Joseph Callahan

Written by Joseph Callahan

Writing on topics for Fathers, Men, Business, and stuff to get you inspired! Throwing in writing journey updates as well! Take what works, leave what doesn't!

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